06.09.09 - Russian Jahressieger - 2009, judge MILOS A. LUCIC (Serbia):
BD Du Toit-
Class Winner (working), second brindle male
BD Betelgeize-
Class Winner (Champions of Russian Boxer Club)
30.08.2009 - Boxer special show (St-Petersburg), judge - V. Pogodina (Ukraine):
BD Du Toit-
class winner - open fawn male BD Oginsky-
class winner - open brindle male BD Polemika-
2-РБ Р intermedia claa fawn female BD Normandia -
3-rd in open class fawn female BD Lukrechia-
2-РБ pen class brindle female BD Betelgeize-
class winner - Champions of Russian Boxer Club BD Du Toit - Best stud, kennel "Bon Dzhorno" - Best kennel
22.08.09 - Klubsieger show - 2009, Joensuu, Finland, judge - R. Beber(Germany):
BD Paradise-
Best Junior female, Jugend Klubsigerin -2009!!!
02.08.09 - Special boxer show, Tartu,Estonia, judge - Radim Fiala(Cz):
BD Polemika-
Best Junior female, 2-nd fawn female
01.08.09 - National all breed show, Tartu, Estonia, judge - Petra Junehal(Sweden):
BD Polemika-
Best Junior female, Best female
28.06.09 - Special show "Baltic Boxer - 2009", Tallinn, Estonia, judge - Ralf Brinkmann(Germany):
BD Du Toit-
1-st place Champion class brindle males, 4-th place in brindle males competition BD Oginsky-
3-rd open brindle males
27.06.09 - Special boxer show "White Nights", judle - Ewa Urszula Dolinska (Poland):
BD Oginsky-
20.06.2009 - Special boxer show, judge - Karl-Erik Johansson (Sweden):
ад дЧ рНИР-
1-st open cless, brindle males BD Normandia-
2-nd open class, fawn females BD Betelgeize-
1-st class of Russian Boxer Club Champions BD Du Toit & BD Betelgeize - Best couple, kennel "Bon Dzhorno" - Best kennel
15.06.2009 |
BD Primadonna, BD Paradise: health`s tests arrived; HD A, elbows - 0, knees - 0, shoulders - 0, spondilos - free, heart OK - no murmur and no sympthoms of heart failure :) :) |
Puppies small brabant griffon kennel As` Gunapal (Estonia) for sale!
24.04.2009 |
New info at the PUPPIES page
16.04.2009 |
BD Gaylardia`s health`s tests arrived; HD B-B elbows - 0, knees - 0, shoulders - 0, heart OK - no murmur and no sympthoms of heart failure (at the age of 5,5 years old!) :) :) |
04.04.2009 - In Rakvere dog show in Estonia:
BD Gaylardia-
Best female, CAC! Thank you, Pirkko! :)
29.03.2009 - All breed show
BD Polemika-
J CAC, BOB, BIG - II - 3-rd place!
28.03.2009 - All breed show
BD Naomi-
CAC, BOB, BIG - II - 3-rd place!
21.03.2009 - All breed show :
BD Polemika -
J CAC, BOB, BEST in Show Junior!! BIG - II - 2-nd place!!
14.03.2009 - All breed show "Fidelis`s Cup" :
BD Polemika -
J CAC, BOB, BIG - II - 3-rd place!
01.03.2009 |
New photos of Bon Dzhorno BETELGEIZE has been added
20.02.2009 |
The information about new mating has been added to PUPPIES page
16.02.2009 |
13.02.2009 - International show (Tallinn) :
BD Oginsky-
1-st place, intermedia class
BD Monopolia -
4-th place, open class
14.02.2009 - Special show for boxers(Tallinn) judge: Josiane Ratton (de la Velette) :
BD Oginsky-
1-st place, intermedia class, 2-nd brindle male
BD Monopolia-
2-nd place,open class, 4-th brindle female
24.01.2009 kennel"Ma Baker`s - puppies were born from Bon Dzhorno Kassiopea for Ma Baker`s Х Boreas di Casa Diocletiano
Has been added VIDEO of PUPPIES
10.12.2008 |
Some new pictures at the page of BD OGINSKY (by Ekaterina Andreeva)
08.12.2008 |
New page of BD ROMANTIKA has been added
29.11.2008 - Special boxer show (St-Petersburg) judge: Lilian Pajulaid (Estonia) :
BD Oginsky -
Class winner (open), Best Brindle Male!
25.11.2008 |
New page of Bon Dzhorno PARADISE has been added
24.11.2008 |
New page of Bon Dzhorno PRIMADONNA has been added
19.11.2008 |
Kennel "Ma Baker`s" : Bon Dzhorno KASSIOPEA for MA Baker`s has been mated with Boreas di Casa Diocletiano
07.11.2008 |
New pictures of Bon Dzhorno POLEMIKA has been added
10.10.2008 - JAHRESSIEGER - 2008 Ukraina, Zaporog`e :
BD Karolina -
1-st in open class, CAC, Best brindle female, JAHRESSIGERIN!!
10.10.2008 |
04.10.2008 - EURO DOG SHOW - 2008 Budapest, Hungary :
BD Du Toit -
2-nd place in working class, R CAC
05.10.2008 - EURO BOXER SHOW - 2008 Budapest, Hungary :
BD Du Toit -
Class winner (working), CAC
21.09.2008 - Show "Gold Autumn", St-Petersburg:
BD Polemika -
BD Oginsky -
яюя (intermedia, Best male
18.09.2008 |
New pictures of Bon Dzhorno KASSIOPEA for MA Baker`s has been added
02.09.2008 |
New pictures of Bon Dzhorno MONOPOLIAhas been added
01.09.2008 |
New page Bon Dzhorno POLEMIKA has been added
31.08.2008 |
New page Bon Dzhorno OGINSKY has been added
28.08.2008 |
New pictures at the PUPPIES `s page
27.08.2008 |
23.08.2008 - Club Sieger Show - 2008, Finland :
BD Primadonna -
2-nd place, brindle baby females
BD Monopolia -
2-nd place, brindle intermedia females
BD Kassiopea for ma Baker`s -
1-st place, open class brindle females.
01.08.2008 |
New page Bon Dzhorno MASERATI has been added
30.07.2008 |
New page Bon Dzhorno NORMANDIA has been added
13.07.2008 - New litter: 2 fawn males, 5 fawn females. Father - As'Gunapal Christian Dior , mother - Bon Dzhorno Evita Perron
03.07.2008 - WORLD DOG SHOW - 2008 Stockholm, Sweden :
BD Du Toit-
3-rd place working class
BD Betelgeize-
3-rd place working class
BD Betelgeize & BD Du Toit -
Best Brace!
30.06.2008 |
29.06.2008 - International Show "White Nights-2" :
BD Oginsky-
1-st, JяAя Junior class, Best Junior
BD Maserati -
1-st, яюя intermedia class, CACIB
30.06.2008 |
28.06.2008 - Intenational Show "White Nights":
BD Oginsky -
1-st, JяAя
BD Maserati -
2-nd, Rяюя intermedia class
BD Du Toit -
28.06.2008 - Special boxer show "White Nights" (judge - Ginette Hufshmid, Switzerland) :
BD Oginsky-
1-st, Sert Junior brindle male class
BD Normandia -
2-nd, яя open class
BD Monopolia -
2-nd, яя intermedia class brindle females
BD Zagadka -
3-rd, яя open class brindle females
BD Betelgeize-
1-st,class of Rus Boxer Club`s Champions, brindle females
BD Maserati -
1-st, Sert, intermedia fawn males
BD Du Toit -
2-nd class of Rus Boxer Club`s Champions, brindle males
BD Betelgeize & BD Du Toit -
Best Brace
21.06.2008 |
21.06.2008 - Special boxer show "Sirius" (judge - S. Popov, Bulgaria):
BD Normandia-
2-nd place, CC, fawn junior female
BD Maserati-
1-st place, CC in intermedia class
BD Du Toit-
07.05.2008 |
Pictures of our new litter at the age of 6 days has been added to "Puppies" page
29.04.2008 - Puppies were born: 1 brindle male, 2 brindle females, 1 fawn female
19.04.2008 |
19.04.2008 - Special boxer show "NordWest" (judge - S. Vanga):
BD Oginsky-
Best junior male
BD Normandia-
Best fawn junior female
BD Kassiopea for Ma Baker`s -
1-st in open class
BD Maserati-
4-th in intermedia class
BD Du Toit-
Kennel "BD"
the Best kennel
19.04.2008 - Show "NordWest" BD Kassiopea for Ma Baker`s -
1-st in open class, CAC, Best female
19.04.2008 - Show "Sirius"
BD Oginsky-
Best junior male, Jun CAC,
BD Kassiopea for Ma Baker`s -
оНАЕДХРЕКЭ 1-st in open class, яюя, Best female
02.09.2007 |
25.11.2007 - Special boxer show (judge - V. Novikov, Moscow):
BD Oginsky-
Best puppy male, Best puppy
BD Normandia -
Best puppy female
06.11.2007 |
04.11.2007 - International Dog Show (Donetsk, Ukraine):
BD Karolina -
29.10.2007 |
27.10.2007 - All-Breeds show (CAC) :
BD Nuance(BD Du Toit x Liter Bomond You Rossa Ortega)-
Best Puppy, 2-nd in BEST of Puppies!
01.10.2007 |
29.09.2007 - International Dog Show (Zaporog`e, Ukraine) (judge - Sh. Abrakimov, Moskow):
BD Du Toit -
1-st in Champion class,CAC, Best brindle male, Best male,
CACIB, Champion of Ukraine
BD Karolina - 2-nd in intermedia class, RCAC
30.09.2007 - Jahressiger Ukraine (Zaporog`e) (judge - A. Tanoni):
BD Du Toit -
1-st in open class,CAC, Best brindle male,
BD Karolina -
1-st in intermedia class,CAC, Best brindle female,
17.09.2007 |
15-16.09.2007 - Jahressiger Russia (Moskow) (judge - I. Suchi):
BD Du Toit -
1-st in working class, 2-nd brindle male
BD Karolina - "Excllent" in open class.
02.09.2007 |
01.09.2007 - Special Boxe Show (St-Petersburg) (judge - E.Erusalimski):
BD Oginski -
1-st in baby brindle male class, Best baby male
BD Normandia -
1-st in baby fawn female class, Best baby female, Best baby
26.08.2007 |
25.08.2007 - ClubSiger Finland (Lahti):
BD Oligarch -
1-st in baby fawn male class, Best fawn puppy male
BD Octavian -
1-st in baby brindle male class
BD Normandia - 2-nd in baby fawn female class
BD Lukretsia - "Exc" in junior brindle female class
BD Kassiopea for Ma Baker`s - 3-rd in intermedia brindle female class
BD Gaylardia - 1-st in Champion fawn female class, 4-th in fawn female competition
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |